It brings me much sadness to announce that my little Ellie is now a 1 year old. Time flies by once you start having kids, but the first year…really flies by!
Ellie has been such a wonderful gift to us, it’s hard to imagine what life was like before we had her. She was worth the wait, and she has been more than what I ever could have dreampt. I love her so so so so much.
She is strong willed, dorky, clumsy, independent, and very very very smart.
Lets kick this off with an outtake, because those are always the highlights of photo sessions haha
Ellie loves
her big brother ( Jaiden )
noodles & rice
pointing at everything
following me around everywhere I go
playing peekaboo
high fives
Ellie does NOT like:
sour fruit – or most fruit in general
being told no
being put down
Now that you’ve learned a little about my squishy, enjoy her ADORABLE First Birthday photo session! We dressed her up in circus themed attire , ( her Birthday party theme ) and ran wild + free around Lake Seminole Park.
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Is your little one about to turn one? Do not miss out on documenting this milestone! Book a 1 year session today + remember them this little forever <3
November 2, 2017
These boho breastfeeding portraits will have your vintage hippie loving soul in heaven!
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