SHP | Moments Captured

There’s a sense of calmness that has come along with my decision to take a little leave of absence from accepting any photo shoots for the next few months. I’m on a journey really, to better myself to re-create my art and to really just work on what makes my heart whole. I know I’ve […]

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He always puts up a fight to take a bath, but once he’s in there he’s pretty content I’d say! While me and my partner in crime where doing hard manual labor outside raking a years worth of leaves out of our yard Jaiden kept begging and begging to jump into the pool, and while […]

Samantha Hayn Photography | Personal Post | 3/14 – 3/22

Samantha Hayn Photography | Personal Post

When I gave up on my 365 challenge I promised myself I would still take my camera with me more often and snap pics of my life as cute little moments happen & so far so good! I bought a cute small [JoTotes] camera bag so I’d be able to actually haul my camera around comfortably in […]

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This is something I’ve been struggling with since the beginning of my photography. I always knew I wanted to capture the essence of certain moods with my photography, but sometimes figuring out how to incorporate that seems nearly impossible. “How so?” you ask… For example, I’m drawn to color, and bright light. I almost always favor […]

Samantha Hayn Photography | Shooting with intent to capture emotion

Samantha Hayn Photography | My little sunshine | Self Portraits

Here’s a little very important chapter in my life. My little sunshine, the reason for the smile on my face and the happiness in my heart.  One of [our] favorite things to do is play fight, tickle fight, and cuddle. These are the moments I cherish the most <3

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As many of you already know I anxiously awaited for Jan 1st 2015 because this would be the day I start my very long 365 project. Fast forward about a month and I’m extremely behind on editing my daily photo’s, don’t even know which photo was taken for what day and it got extremely overwhelming […]

My week | The view from my eyes

