It’s official! Sometimes life throws you curveballs and the universe gives you signs that it’s time for a change. That’s right, I AM OFFICIALLY A FULL TIME BUSINESS OWNER!
It brings me much sadness to announce that my little Ellie is now a 1 year old. Time flies by once you start having kids, but the first year…really flies by! Ellie has been such a wonderful gift to us, it’s hard to imagine what life was like before we had her. She was worth […]
When your an October baby there is NO EXCUSE not to dress up like a princess and celebrate! This beautiful little girl CHARLOTTE ROSE graced my world 4 years ago, and I love her so dearly! She is super sweet, caring, smart, goofy, and beautiful just like her momma ( my bestfriend and sister from […]
I really truly cannot believe I have a 3rd grader…it feels like just yesterday that we dropped him off for his first day of Kindergarten. This boy has been so lucky to be able to stay at the same school, and grow with all of his friends and classmates – which is something I never […]
Oh the Krapf’s…I say this about all of my clients ( because all of you are so awesome ) but they are some of my favorites haha! I have had the honor of documenting their story since that little chunky, hunky, blue eyed cutie was in his mommies belly, and to me that’s so special. […]
OUR 4TH OF JULY 2017 The 4th of July has always been a favorite of mine to photograph! I love getting to experiment with low light + ambient light from the sparklers, fireworks and the streetlights! It creates such a magical vibe. We usually stay put at our house and have people over and enjoy […]
MAYA TURNED ONE!! I’m so lucky to say I know Maya quite well…her and Ellie are the best of pals ( they just don’t know it yet haha ). I’m very happy to say we are long time friends with her awesome parents! I was super duper excited to capture her 1 year session, this […]
I had been daydreaming about taking Ellie to the beach for the first time for months and months! She was so calm and just loved it, and by loved it I mean she loved her pink rubber ducky haha! She did not put that thing down. I may be totally biased, but she is so […]
Our blissful month of March, I have just enjoyed watching Ellie grow and learn so much, and it has been wonderful to document it all along the way.
Cotton candy skies, a loving mother and a sweet little guy are the perfect recipe for photo magic, and magic it was. Me and Kara go way back, I’m talking like middle school back haha! She has always been so gorgeous and she is even more beautiful now that she is a mother. Nothing is […]