First of all we are new fishing pole owners so naturally we spent a whole weekend gettin our fish-on! This was sometime last month and I’ve been dying to get a chance to edit + share these! #block-yui_3_17_2_1_1460766725825_38898 .sqs-gallery-block-grid .sqs-gallery-design-grid { margin-right: -2px; } #block-yui_3_17_2_1_1460766725825_38898 .sqs-gallery-block-grid .sqs-gallery-design-grid-slide .margin-wrapper { margin-right: 2px; margin-bottom: 2px; } #block-yui_3_17_2_1_1460766725825_68640 […]
A few weeks ago we traveled to Naples to not only visit our family, but also to photograph my sister in laws family! <3 After the session was over we walked around Naples Botanical Gardens and oh my gawd. This place was immaculate to say the least! No place I’ve ever been around these parts […]
Literally so excited and in love with these pics from yesterday I had to post a blog! These truly exude so much of my emotions it’s not even funny. Struggling with anxiety + depression photography has played such a beneficial role in expressing myself when my words simply cannot. I try to pour my emotions into […]
I decided way back in the beginning of 2015 that I would kick off a Project 52 starting in 2016, and I was beyond excited to start it! Being a professional photographer calls for many hours of shooting, editing + delivering clients memories…but wait, what about my own? Finding time to capture your own life […]
you guy’s I have finally found what all artists hope they can find one day drum roll…. I found my niché! I have finally found what I’m meant to do, what speaks to my heart and calms my soul! I’m so happy to share it with it everyone! Last year was full of so much personal […]
First of all…I CANNOT believe it’s almost 2016! <- what in the?! Lets rewind to a time long long ago…11 months and 21 days to be exact….(QUE THE HARP MUSIC) In the beginning of 2015 I decided to embark on a project 365 of my own. The first week went pretty good, second week went […]
It’s almost the Holidays and that is means enough to celebrate as it is right!? right!!!! Christmas time is my favorite time of the year! I love decorating the house, cooking yummy holiday treats, and enjoying all the fun family traditions that go along with the season! One thing I love just as much about […]
First I’m gonna start by saying, WOOHOOO! Halloween actually fell on a weekend day this year! I tend to get a little over excited about small stuff haha, anywho….. Our trick or treating was pretty short lived – which was fine by me, not only was it super hot out – thanks FLORIDA -_- but […]
*disclaimer, no children where hurt in the tasting of the wild berries. As parenting goes, most of the time when you say “don’t do this” the first thing a child is gonna do is….. do it. My sister ate some of the berries after I specifically said” don’t eat those, you don’t know if they are […]